In the 1990s in Carlsbad California not far from where I lived a meeting of executives occurred. There was a famous Hewlett Packard executive who was the guest of honor. The question that was most common in the floor was “How do we get the loyalty of employees back?”

He said “you can’t.”

You’ve cut benefits and engaged the temporary services to avoid paying benefits altogether. Now you’re preparing to transfer jobs overseas.

Most importantly the newest working generation has only experienced a market where the only way to make more money, is to constantly change jobs. It is the only market they have ever known.

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We continue to read the Commentarii de bello gallico, seeing just why the soldiers of Gaius Julius were devoted to him.

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Stillwell prior to the Chindit operations publicly threatened to strip his officers of their rank and insignia IN FRONT OF THEIR MEN, if he ever caught them carrying less than their men.

Stilwell had seen the Chateaux generalship in Word War 1 as a junior officer. He cared for his men’s trench foot while generals gave them orders from 50 miles away, in chateaux where they ate fine food and slept on comfortable beds.

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Denethor son of Ecthelion understood bidirectional loyalty, responding to Pippin’s oath-taking with “And this I do hear, …, and I will not forget it, nor fail to reward that which is given: fealty with live, valour with honour, oath-breaking with vengeance.” — p. 31, The Return of the King, Ballantine Books, New York, Fifty-seventh Printing: November 1977

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