Ive resisted fasting due to believing that fasting would diminish muscle mass.

But seems like that's another lie

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I was in the same boat. To be clear, intermittent fasting might do that. But not occasional longer fasts.

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I've noted since joining Chiv in these long fasts, I've lost almost exclusively fat. It's one of the most laser-focused fat burning things I've done. My big lifts (particularly bench press) suffer a bit in the short term (mostly from lower body weight) but the benefits in the long term are phenomenal.

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I was speaking with a traditional priest several years ago and he informed me that before exorcisms the exorcist will fast. The more challenging the exorcisms will dictate the fast. I found this very fascinating.

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I couldn't agree more. Another important benefit is to you gut health so long as when you break your fast you go heavy on healthy, high fibre foods.

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Good piece! I’ve felt the need to begin fasting again.

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Fasting (no meat, dairy, or olive oil, Orthodox style) during Lent, had been one of the most challenging, rewarding, and revealing exercises in my life, and I enjoyed the process… but the last few years, I can’t fast anymore. Something must’ve broken in me spiritually, that just doesn’t work anymore... I keep wondering if I did something wrong. Maybe it’ll come back one day

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Does OMAD (one meal a day) cause a loss of muscle mass assuming you’re able to eat lots of fat and protein in that meal? I’ve been doing this for a while because I’ve read that limiting your eating window increases HGH production, and as a way to incorporate hunger and fasting into every day life.

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Should be noted that the Orthodox church still holds the ancient 40 day fasting season

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I’m not Catholic, but I have been fasting regularly. My goal is to do a 36 hour fast once per month for all of 2025. Today happens to be my fasting day.

Couple rules of thumb I follow: 1 don’t binge the day before. The health benefits begin after your system is done processing the last things you ate. So eat clean, easily digestible food the day before. 2 eat something fermented to break your fast. This is an opportunity to let your gut micro biome to get going without a bunch of crud in your gut.

One more tip- you stop feeling hungry after about 18 hours. So 24 hours or 36 or even longer isn’t as daunting as it sounds. Just get through that first 18 and you’ll feel pretty good.

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Didn't known that bit about autophagy consuming diseased cells first. Super cool.

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Always appreciate your fasting reflections, brother! Joining you again this year-I'm hoping to go Ash Wednesday to Saturday Vigil Mass 🙏

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