Do you have a summary or a study guide to recommend alongside The Four Virtues by Pieper? I’m reading it and loving it, but some of it has me scratching my head.

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Hmmm ... well, it certainly wouldn't hurt to read Aristotle's Ethics or the relevant sections from Aquinas. I'm reading Pieper's Faith Hope Love currently and it's a very good companion piece to The Four Cardinal Virtues. It might just be the kind of thing that a guy wants to read again in a year or so. I am certainly planning on revisiting it soon.

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Do you have a recommendation for understanding Catholicism? I am Protestant and would be Anglican if the right parish was near by, but am feeling unfulfilled by nondenominationalism.

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Hmmm ... let's see. I'm not a big apologetics type guy, so I don't know the Why Catholicism? genre very well. I guess I'd recommend books by Catholics like Josef Pieper, Christopher Dawson, and Fr James Schall--for a sense of how the Catholic mind works. Religion and the Rise of Western Culture or The Four Cardinal Virtues might be the best places to start off the top of my head. Or maybe fiction would be a good place to turn. Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh, or maybe something by Flannery O'Connor or Walker Percy. Keep me posted on these developments, my friend!

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Thanks for these recommendations!

If you ever do another post on recommended reading I’d recommend Plato’s Republic. I can’t help but think how ripe that work is for a solid Christian philosopher to perfect that described Republic with Christianity.

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Can't believe I followed on Twitter but never subscribed? I started reading CS Lewis this year, and because of that just finished the Song of Roland, and have started The Canterbury Tales and Le Morte D'Arthur. This surged my interest in chivalry - and now I've hit the gold mine!

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Love to hear it--warms my heart!

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