To give one's live for others is the flowering of the Bushido, but to throw one's life away is merely to throw one's life away.

I choose to believe Tillman died heroically, even if it was friendly fire. His death was merely an end; his life-choices left everyone wide-eyed.

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Many thanks for sharing Tillman's story -- and his inspirational impact on you and others.

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Thank you. An important post. Fratricide (as opposed to friendly fire - accidental) appears to be a real threat soldiers face. Jealousy/resentment? Here's another soldier it almost happened to in the same theater of war, Afghanistan, but this one accepted the chain of command's recommended early discharge: https://youtu.be/QlIbMZ7bo9Y .

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I was too young to have known about Tillman at the time, but this was such a moving story. Thank you!

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